Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Shannon and Dean go to California

Hey southern California readers, Shannon and Dean Hale are coming your way! Here's a chance to get your CALAMITIES JACK and RAPUNZEL'S REVENGES signed by the authors! Here is a list of where and when.

If you tell them Space Station Nathan sent you, they will perform an interpretive dance just for you!


Clint C. said...

Nate, you and Shannon and Dean are my favorite people right now! The last two nights Talmage has gone to bed with a flashlight to read Calamity Jack! This has never happened before! Next he wants to read Rapunzel--before he didn't want to because it had a girl on the cover, but now they are reeled in.

Nathan said...

Tell Talmage that I ONLY read books with girls on the cover.

Glad to hear he likes it! How old is he?

Anonymous said...

But... you're not coming?? That's the most important part! Please, please, please come!! I still think Shannon and Dean and totally awesome and wonderful but for goodness sakes, why can't you be there too? *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Sorry for being so whiny by the way, I just SO want to meet you!

Nathan said...

Sorry Anonymous--I wish I was going too. I'm sure southern California is much nicer in February than Utah is.

Amanda Sorensen said...

REALLY? Interpretive dance get for me? Hold on while I buy a plane ticket...